Wednesday 23 October 2013

Advanced Filters

This just showcases the interesting filters that can be used in Photoshop..yay!

Stained Glass

Personally..I don't see the window, well, kinda.

Tuesday 8 October 2013


Aiming for the underwater, house in the aquarium, look. I think success was achieved.

Mix It Up

Don't ask what happened to my mouth because I couldn't give you the answer.


This is decent. That is all I have to say.

Cartoon Yourself

This is definitely NOT one of my better works, turning myself into a Smurf proved to be much harder than anticipated and time was against me.

Gender Equality Collage

I feel very strongly about gender equality, therefore I made this collage to showcase it. Embrace the F word! When I say the F word..I mean feminism.

'Text But Don't Sext' Poster

I made this lovely piece of art to enter into a contest, I personally thought it lacked excitment but everyone liked thats good enough for me.

Action Figure

This is Wonderwoman, with my face so crudely pasted over hers; with that said, I think I did a wonderful job.

Monday 7 October 2013

Mix & Match Alien

The Flierg!
An alien race unknown to man...until now! This alien is thought to contain DNA of a Zerg, alien and a species of Flood from the planet Halo. This alien does not seem to be dangerous..yet..

Mix & Match Animal

The Powfluck!
This wonderful animal, unique to the Camen Islands is a cross between a pig, cow, butterfly and buck. No one knows how this animal could possibly come to being but it exsits and is breeding at a rapid rate.